I designed, led and oversaw ongoing iterative research and optimization of a platform available in approx 5,500 AT&T retail stores nationally resulting in new functionality, features. The platform is now in it’s 4th iteration with a 5th being planned, The product connects customers to information and helps them prepare for their sales/service interaction in the store.
Key to the Store
Client Name Six
Beginning in Q2 2021, I designed research strategy, performed research, and led teams conducting continuous research at both small and large scale. Across the experience, the small scale research looked like continuous tracking and qualitative remote research generally aiming to optimize content.
Often I also did more involved, remote-moderated prototype testing for new features. Then, when we had launched those new features or interaction paradigms, I did larger scale research in the field, coupling the same data analytics methods but added national, multi-market user testing in the retail context.
Opening the door:
Often AT&T customers wait a long time before they’re seen by a rep in stores. This is a big CSAT drag and suggests an impact on revenue where people may spend less, even attrite from AT&T all together (a big deal in the competitive arena of connectivity providers). AT&T fell from #1 to #3 in Mobile service providers over the course of a few years.
Customers were asking for something to do and indicated that they were interested in info discounts they could claim.
In 2020, Integer deployed a digital platform, accessible by QR, giving customers info on deals on products and services, allowing AT&T to use it to launch marketing content. as well as a few AR experiences. Based on an initial round of research, we found that customers wanted to learn more about the offers and benefits of different services. Essentially, the info wasn’t clear, humanized or easy to find. Worse still, neither customers or store reps really knew the experience existed.
NG - speak and use camera, ar experiences
In 2021, we understood that customers wanted to do more self-service, i.e., to get closer to checking out.
Found that the overwhelming majority of engagement was around deals - made that the home page.
We saw that customers weren’t using the AR experiences so we scrapped two to make the site lean and funnel into one next-gen experience, where customers would use their device camera/voice to learn more about the various devices around the store.
Filter by brand to help people get to the information they want more quickly.
In 2022, we moved that even closer to self service and finding information more quickly
Taking advantage of the fact that AT&T has free WiFi in stores, we built a “You Are Now Connected” confirmation page that served as an entry point to the AOX experience. This alone increased users 3-fold.
Favorites and wishlists to help prep for conversation with rep.
Details cards/modals
Added filters to help users refine browse (card sort study informed feature, A/B test of accordion vs dropdown filter informed functionality)
Enhanced machine learning for the next-gen AR experience improved the effectiveness of the (generally error prone) feature. We also made the training far more straightforward and shorter, as most people were clicking through accepts and next, like formalities, as most do with a terms and conditions review.
Redesigned the navigation.
Refined button design for clickability (rage taps).
Having done research on scroll depth, content hierarchy, and other insights, in combination with business needs, we organized the information architecture throughout to deliver the most important content to customers.
In 2023, we added:
a global search feature
A landing page concierge pointing customers to a custom page per how they answer questions along the lines of “why they’re here.”
Integration with ATT.com and the myATT app so customers could be referred to check out and buy products and services.
We decided to sunset the next gen AR experience and go back to the drawing board. It was error prone and caused frustration and abandonment. We may one day repurpose this experience in another time, perhaps an immersive experience like the Discovery district takeover [INTERNAL SITE PAGE LINK link] or batman experience [https://thefwa.com/cases/the-batman-experience].
Support for multiple languages
Began to lean into images + icons instead of pills to convey more meaning and increase clicks.
Store reps
Perhaps most importantly but long-time overlooked aspects of this experience is that the store reps are stakeholders who could benefit/be harmed by it. So we went to work to understand their needs and how to support them.
In 2022, we interviewed store reps and did user testing on the platform. Overall, their reviews were extremely positive and they said they would recommend it to waiting customers to prepare them for a sales talk, and would use the content on the site to facilitate the sales talks.
Reps were wary of using it fearing it would take away from their commissions.
We recommended a few measures to build trust, awareness, and utilization, including providing the reps with valuable tools to help them do their job better.
Much of 4.0 is currently in progress.
V5 planning is underway and it’s a doozy.
Card sort
Field Study
User interviews
Google analytics
Competitive analysis
All of this resulted in a massive increase in use from 45,000 in year one to 100,000 in Y2, >1.3M Y3, projected up to 5M in Y4.
Helping customers to more easily prepare for sales conversations.
Measuring the value of visibility on this platform is hard to quantify in dollars, but huge exposure to ad and media, especially when customized per client sets AT&T in a position to win.
Building trust with customers, knowing that AT&T is there to meet their personalized needs.
Where it’s going…
Future of Retail
AOX is becoming a centerpiece of an integrated digital experience living in the retail store. The upcoming features are providing a stepwise pathway to create that experience within the context of the future strategy of retail.
Big Box Retailer Potential
The platform can extend beyond the four walls of AT&T retail to serve as a marketing and sales platform within larger national retail outlets who sell AT&T services such as Walmart, Costco, Best Buy, Target, etc. The projected exposure and impact of this platform skyrockets as it is implemented in the various retailers numbering in the 100,000 store range (compared to the 5,500 AT&T retail brick and mortar).
Pilot testing functionality/content
We’re missing the support, ability to A/B test, pilot content and messaging, test website architecture, and more. The experience leaves a lot on the table, but presents an immense opportunity for the future of AT&T ecomm, particularly on mobile.
ATT.com is a frustrating experience with multiple clicks, backtracking issues, and difficulty finding the right information. The relevant goal of the AOX experience is to provide a testing ground to address and leverage the capability to test and pilot content of the platform, particularly since it is evolving towards a direct funnel to ecomm and sales conversation prep.
Future strategic planning is ongoing.